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Nomadica Nano-Nation



Welcome to Nomadica Codex ! 

A codex is a document that shares the context

of Nomadica Nano-Nation.





  1. What are we taking a stand for ? 


We are taking a stand to create transformation spaces around the world in a way that is logistically, economically, and emotionally are sustainable for Nomads.

For collaborating in a non-patriarchal way in a breathing circle and not a Hierarchy.

Expose the low drama story that I am alone, that that is a dead story.

Bringing this work for thousand people.

To allow many people to let go of their material value Ideas and enter into their nonmaterial value.

Commit to the commitment of other people without knowing a lot about them

Develop ways to travel as a group that creates transformation in the world.

Showing ourselves and others that there is a different way to create what we want to create in the world and we are not alone.

Committing to celebrate our legend-making and shift out of I am not good enough.


 2. What is the purpose of Nomadica ? 


Support adventures, and teams for supporting each other on the evolution inside of what we stand for.

Have support in a team in a radical responsible Nomedian going around the world and creating transformation spaces and creating villages together.

Connect and empower nomadic next-culture participant experimenters and find new ones and empowered them also.

to bring amazing gifts and extraordinary spaces that we are learning  how to hold space for and bring it into different communities, schools, villages and to learn to flow and move in the face of the earth in a harmonized way with the land


3. What are we serving : 


Women men and children are ready to move into Next-culture and look for that breach in the modern culture game world.

The possibility of transformation happening in time the human species doesn't go extinct.

Adventure and high-level fun.

Serving other Nomads to get inspired or weave into a conscious village.

We serving other conscious gameworlds.

Serving empowerment as living as a nomad is a conscious choice instead of a thing you need to do because you broke.

Serving the value of our feelings and the value of the aliveness of our feelings and the power of creation of our feelings.

Shifting the Identity of Nomads to conscious-King Queen Pirate space-holders. 

Serving the Village and “Awaken the village” game world to be alive with.


4. how do we come together?


Join a weekly call on Fridays, and we also engage through the Telegram group and look for possibilities to come together in person.

We use online technology as a bridge to coming together also in person.

We come together in seasonal gatherings, yearly gatherings, Moon cycle gatherings physically or online to celebrate the different gifts present at that time.

We come together as Next-culture tribe, Nano-Nation, and a Village.

Coming together not having expectations on how and when we come together, so to guard against resentment, killing intimacy between us.


5. In what ways do we support each other ?


By asking and giving possibilities.

By sharing the inspiration and nomads we have as nomads and villagers, each of us has a unique experience in life that has value for each other.

We support each other by sharing our edge of discovery and resource, by sharing our gold or treasure on what we found in our path.

Sharing Legends on each other and inviting our circles for each others offerings.

Asking for Emotional Healing Process, and serving the Evolountonary lineage of the village.

We support each other by daring to go first and daring to be a Conscious Asshole with eachothers.

By giving each other “Purple cards” when needed.

We support each other by allowing space for questions, for clarity, and for feelings to come and be asked about, with conscious feedback.


We support each other by constantly expanding our capacity and are the ability to use tools scanners and our feelings and presence letting our bright principles through.

We support each other by creating a space of listening and creating different spaces of support and asking for what we need.


6 . How do you become a member? 


You don't become a member, you can collaborate and come on the path of being Nomadican.

You can become a member by being invited by another Nomad to come and play in this game world.

By the game world, itself and the codex of the game world decide if you are part of the game world or not, and when you are part of the game world or not.

Going nomadic and becoming an Agent for Next culture and then later discovering you have being a Nomadian all along.

You become a member By collaborating and co-creating with Nomadica Nano-Nation by giving offer and engaging by the rules of engagement in a cross-pollinating way.

You become a de-facto member of Nomadica by being born on planet earth and start moving around.

You also become a member of Nomadica by going through the Codex and excepting the rules of engagement and Bill of wrongs.


Distinctions : 

Conscious members of Nomadica, and Unconscious members of Nomadica, for Example, people that will see this and go WOOO WOOO and don't know about it yet.




 7. What are the Decision Making Technologies? 

  Torus technology 



Distinctionary :


A lot of the terms used here you can find information about by searching the page “Space port” 

from Possibility Management.


Radical responsibility -

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